Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy Monday!

For the next month our schedule is changing somewhat to
accommodate the 3-5 grade testing schedule.  That means
that our related arts time will be from 10:30-11:15 instead
of in the afternoon.  We will now have part of our math in the

Parent teacher conferences are Tuesday, February 16th.  I still
have a few open times if you need to schedule a meeting.

On Friday we will exchange Valentine's with our classmates.
Please send in your child's Valentine box and cards Friday
morning.  This is not a party.  We will be passing them out
as time allows throughout the day.

This week we are reading a passage "Two Famous Presidents" and
we will compare and contrast these two men.  Our spelling words
have the long e sound using the letter y.  We will finish our unit
on adjectives with a test on Friday.  In math we are learning place
value to 1000.

Monday:  Math, Read 15 minutes and write 3 sentences
Tuesday:  Read 15 minutes and write 3 sentences
Wednesday:  Wed. folders, math, read 15 minutes
Thursday:  Study spelling words, read
Friday:  Math (if not completed in class)

Stay warm and have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Kane

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